Peer into the life of a law school graduate/wannabe entertainment lawyer.

Thursday, March 04, 2004

Ignorance Running Rampant Around Here

I just finished a 10-minute long heated IM discussion with a male friend of mine. The topic? Gay marriage. What got it started was this message to me: "when will the silent majority stand up and tell the fags to go to hell?" Nice, huh?

In utter disbelief, I asked him why it mattered if two guys or two women are given a marriage certificate by Mayor Bloomberg. His answer? That it's a slap across the face to any christian, muslim or jew. Hello! I'm not talking about the church! He mixed church and state. I made the argument that government-issued marriage licenses are fine, but the religious sacrament is not fine. He refused to keep church and state separate, essentially saying that whatever the church does, the government should do as well. This country was not founded on that principle. Church and state are separate for reasons like this.

He said I should never get married because I don't understand what being married is all about. This from a guy who swears he will sleep with as many women as possible until the day of his wedding.

He ended the conversation abruptly by saying I was too ignorant to discuss this. Funny how I was the one open to discussion and being accepting of an alternative lifestyle while he couldn't separate church and state.


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