Peer into the life of a law school graduate/wannabe entertainment lawyer.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004


Paralawyer isn't in the business of dissing on teachers -- especially considering the pittance they receive for a salary -- but sometimes it needs to be done.

PARALAWYER: are you studying for LSAT?
PROSPECTIVE TEACHER: no, the LAST...the teacher's exam. you?
PARALAWYER: the bar exam
PROSPECTIVE TEACHER: wow, that's a big book you have to study from. mine is 1/2 that size.
PARALAWYER: um, this is just one of eight books.

Like I said, teaching is a noble profession. In fact, Paralawyer Senior has been a public school teacher for 25+ years. But when you meet someone like Prospective Teacher, you can't help but laugh and say "you have it easy, sweetheart."

It makes me appreciate the difficulty of this exam. That is, until about 10am on Day 1 when I'm on question #3 and I should be on #23.


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