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Thursday, October 20, 2005

Classroom Podcasts

An article appears here in today's Newsday about classroom podcasts. It begins with the following:

"When Purdue University senior Marcos Kohler skipped a physics class to attend a concert in Chicago, he didn't have to borrow a classmate's notes to catch up. Instead, he connected his iPod to a computer, downloaded the lecture, and from the comfort of a campus coffee shop, listened to the two-hour discussion on particle physics.

"It re-creates the entire class experience," said Kohler, 22, who missed another lecture at the West Lafayette, Ind., campus when he overslept for the 1:30 p.m. class. A video conference class would be even better, he said, but "to go from paper printouts to audio, this is a step in the right direction."

WHERE THE HELL WAS THIS TECHNOLOGY WHEN I WAS IN COLLEGE? Do you know what my GPA would have been if I had been able to catch up on all those missed classes due to only two things -- concerts and oversleeping?!?!


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