Peer into the life of a law school graduate/wannabe entertainment lawyer.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Dear Brother Jimmy's,

Everyone knows you provide us with great BBQ, southern alcoholic concoctions and a place to gather with fellow ACC fans. However, when possible, we would apprecitate it if you could please reduce the music volume to somewhere below 1,000,000 decibals.


my friend Kirstie Lou also requests the same of you.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Crosstown Traffic

Ok, so if you didn't know when you woke up this morning that it's United Nations week here in NY, you certainly do now; the presence of 15 traffic cops on every street corner is unavoidable. Now let me preface my point by saying that I'm all about gathering the heads of every country in the world to attempt to fix things like poverty, AIDS and oppression. (Except for France; I just don't know why we let France attend these summits. It's not like they're going to help the rest of the world do anything.) But seriously, what I don't understand is why the Assistant to the Deputy of the Assistant to the City Council Chairman of Crapfuckistan needs 4 NYPD motorcycles, 3 NYPD cars, 2 NYPD suburbans, 5 unmarked black Suburbans and 2 limos to get from the Waldorf to the U.N. It's 4 blocks and 4 avenues, people! Let's face it,
these fuzzy foreignors are tourists. And isn't part of being a tourist in NY having to deal with the traffic?

So, my fellow New Yorkers, the next time you see a motorcade with flags on the limos that you don't recognize - which is 95% of the motorcades - ignore the traffic cop and BLOCK THE BOX so President Wannahockalugie is late to his little summit, thus being embarrased in front of every country in the world. After all, it wouldn't be the first time someone is late to a meeting in this town due to traffic.

Shit. I'm late right now.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

All In A Day's Work...

Today I worked with one of the hottest audio mixers in the business (he mixed DMB's latest album).

And then I worked with one of the hottest...well, ANY business. Ashley

Friday, September 02, 2005

I Guess I'm Really Not Underpaid

On a typical work day, I arrive at the office betwen 10:00 and 10:30, and leave between 8:00 and 9:00pm. On those days, I bill anywhere from 5 hours to 9 hours.

But when the boss is away - as was the case today - here's what happens:

9am: Interview (yes, interview)

10am: Arrive at work

10-10:45am: Breakfast and discussions with co-worker about our side business

11am: Log on to computer for first time today

11:01am - 2:00pm: Check personal email, update personal website and check my two favorite blogs, Fresh Pepper and Kirstie Lou

2:00-3:30pm: Lunch

3:30 - 5:30pm: Build bookshelf for my office where I will store the files that I don't work on while boss is away

5:30 - 6:45: Update personal and side business website

6:45pm: Check with “cooler, non-managing" partner that its ok to wear shorts, t-shirt and sandals tomorrow while boss is still away

6:46pm: Catch last express bus home

7:00pm: Bust open last beer in 'fridge