Peer into the life of a law school graduate/wannabe entertainment lawyer.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

AT&T Wireless Continues to Improve

Barring some unforeseen circumstance - like Sprint actually adding the BlackBerry Curve to its lineup - I plan to switch to AT&T within the next month. Here is just another reason why I will not hesitate...

SAN ANTONIO (AP) -- AT&T Inc., the nation's largest wireless carrier, announced plans Tuesday to ease termination fees and allow customers to more easily change contract terms.

San Antonio-based AT&T's announcement follows similar ones by rival Verizon Wireless, which eased contract change requirements last month and early termination fees last year.

Starting in November, AT&T customers who change calling plans during their contract period will no longer be forced to extend the contract or enter a new one.

Early next year, customers who decide to leave AT&T before their contract is up will pay a prorated early termination fee rather than the flat $175 fee, the company said.

The termination fees, which are currently the same whether a customer quits early in the contract or near the end, have been a longtime gripe of customers who felt trapped.

Mark Siegel, an AT&T Wireless spokesman, said the company agreed that customers needed more flexibility.

''The issue of the early termination fee seemed like an issue of fairness,'' he said.

Friday, October 05, 2007

The Joy of DMB
Bob Lefsetz is a pretty crazy dude. But sometimes he says something that is spot-on. For instance, this post on Dave Matthews Band:

It was like being at a jazz concert. Not that I’ve been to many jazz concerts. It wasn’t about hits, but playing. It was about where the music was gonna TAKE YOU!
You can buy a Dave Matthews album. You can watch one of his videos. But you won’t get it until you go to the show. And, fans don’t care if you don’t come. They don’t want to be brought down. They want to be in reverie with their friends, a club outside the mainstream, where music can save the world.
I’m watching Carter Beauford on the big screen. He’s pounding the drums. And he’s SMILING! This isn’t work, this is play. This is the essence of human life. This is JOY!

Read the whole post here.