White Tail Park...heh-heh
A nudist camp for children -- yes, you read that correctly -- that is scheduled to start next week got some bad news from a federal judge in Richmond, VA on Thursday.
True, the judge, Richard L. Williams, allowed the full array of naked camp activities at White Tail Park to proceed, including, according to court papers, swimming, volleyball, tennis, table tennis, body painting, pudding fights, "shaving cream follies" and, alarmingly, darts.
But Judge Williams upheld a new Virginia law requiring that campers be accompanied by a parent or grandparent. An eyeful of naked Mom or Dad, he suggested, is a fair price for admission to nudist camp.
Williams also said "A nudist camp is a bit racier than, say, a Boy Scout camp," he continued. Really?! You think?! That's an amazing legal conclusion.
Paralawyer is all for nudity, but c'mon. What possible purpose could a camp of this type serve?
Especially since the camp says it does not tolerate lewd behavior. In fact, "Intimate contact, suggestive behavior, overt sexuality or sexually provocative behavior" are prohibited according to the rules.
OK, now I'm really confused. Are they saying that a 13-year old boy who's "coming into his own" -- no pun intended -- can't shove his tongue down some 13-year old girl's throat? Isn't that what summer camp is all about?!
Anyway, you can read the full NY Times article
Related side note: Paralawyer is pretty much left-of-middle on the political spectrum. But I often wonder what they put in the water at the ACLU. Who's job is it over there to decide what cases they get involved in? More importanly, who said "yeah, let's take this case. Nothing could be more damaging to our civil liberties than not letting naked little kids frolic about with Reddi-Wip...or just a whip.